Premier Thai boxing Academy in Waterloo
Real Strength | Real Confidence | Real Muay Thai

Learn Traditional Muay Thai from experienced and certified instructors in Waterloo. If you are looking to improve your fitness and learn a real and effective martial art for self defence or competition, you have come to the right place. Waterloo Muay Thai is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for everyone to learn the art of 8 limbs. Whether you are a complete beginner or have experience in Muay Thai you will find expert instruction at Waterloo Muay Thai.
Kru Shannon Price
Kru Shannon has been teaching Muay Thai for over 8 years. Kru Shannon began his teaching at the University of waterloo and since then, he has had the pleasure to teach 1000's of students from all over the world. Kru has over 10 years experience training Muay Thai that includes training and fighting in Thailand. His teaching philosophy is to look for improvement in all his students, no matter their fitness level or muay thai level, to be open and accepting of every student and meet every students needs and challenges. Kru Shannon leads by example and strives for his students to achieve their personal fitness and Muay Thai goals.
Poo Choi Kru Jessica Vander Vaart
PC Kru Jessica is a PHD student in kinesiology and neuroscience at the University of Waterloo. Jess has been teaching Muay Thai for many years and brings expert knowledge on physiology to the gym. Jess' knowledge helps to shape our Muay Thai curriculum by providing innovative and research backed exercise plans. You can expect a tough workout in any of Jess' classes and a wealth of knowledge about safe and effective exercise.
Poo Choi Kru Veronica Viljakainen
PC Kru Veronica is an experienced Nak Muay (Fighter) with many years of training and competing who has an incredible depth of knowledge about competition and competition based training. Veronica creates detailed classes with an emphasis on the finer points of Muay Thai technique which separate mediocre fighters from great fighters. In Veronica's classes you can expect well balanced workouts with detailed technical knowledge.
Qianshu Wang
Qianshu Wang started training under Kru Shannon and has been training Muay Thai for over 7 years. He has competed in various bouts in both Canada and Thailand. He now focuses on developing the students and competitive athletes at Waterloo Muay Thai into their best selves to repay a way of life that has given him so much. Working as an engineer during the day and training Muay Thai students by night has kept him busy, pushing him to continually grow and learn. Students can expect a technical, detail-focused, and holistic approach to teaching muay thai. In turn, students are expected to bring their energy, heart, and attentiveness.
Grant Kaduck
Grant is an undergraduate student in pure mathematics at the University of Waterloo. He has been training in Muay Thai under Kru Shannon for two and a half years. In Grants classes, you can expect solid instruction on the fundamentals with a focus on form, strength, and balance. You will also enjoy tough calisthenics for a robust conditioning workout. "Give Muay Thai a try; I'm sure you'll soon become addicted just as I did when I began. Kop khun khrap!"